More states

State Machine Update

made a jump animation today, i like it. was trying to make a "prejump" animation play before but code was getting weird and it would at that crouch animation in the air after the whole animation it would be over, so i just took it out for now until i can figure that out. i like using references from games i love, and then doing what i feel would look right (which is probably the normal way to do it i'm assuming).

previous state machine i was doing was cool, but i kept getting overlapping animations and weird interactions so i started over. now things seem to be good, except my transitions no longer work 😭 so i have to figure that out again. i like how things are looking so far, going to add the attacking state / sword animation / hitbox area next. seems like i'm working backwards but i'm not i promise


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mega man jump?

i wanted to but he's too cartoony. he has his arms going straight up in the air like elon musk 💀